Tuesday 5 March 2013

There was a sign by the road which said koalas in trees. It was 2 k's in to Wannon Falls.  It was like a large rock cave with dark water in it.  A large rock cliff was on the left side but "no falls." There was a scout camp and a van park.  In the paddocks were shetland ponies.  A chap was carting a red sports car behind a motorhome.  Bochara has grapes growing and wines  Saw a police car whichwas like a dark green colour.  HAMILTON-Here we had lunch under the shad of trees and beside about 4-5 long buses, one from Portland, one from south west,etc.   I snapped a red sports car in Hamilton in the street.  Hamilton has Wakers Mitre 10, Donohue's Rose and Garden show, Rural Merchandise, Tanks and sheds, garden supplies safety work gear, Engineering, houses, school, Town House Motel, Goldsmith Motel, Shell, K.F.C.  There were three large white wool bales and in the shop sold souvenirs.  There were two lanes both ways in to Hamilton.  An ambulance stopped, opened the back doors, put a patient out in the shade on a stretcher, the wife goes for coffee from the shop.  Two ambulance men there too! One is looking at his watch as though he was waiting for may be another ambulance to come and transfer the patient over to it. Hamilton has large green tree lined streets Australian Wool Network, Metal Land and a Racecourse.  We were on the Major Mitchell Trail.Nigretta Falls were 8 k's from the road. Countryside very dry.  Trees looked nice dotted here and there in the paddocks and on fence lines.  Grampians coming in to view.  Went over Fernhill Creek. Spotted a pipe man with a walking stick at the entrance to a property.  Wakefield Park had an open garden.  More sheep around.  Black cattle were seen in paddocks.Old cars were sitting in the yard of a property quite a distance off the road.  The Roadside Preservation Area was planted with trees.  CAVENDISH. next was Wannon River.  Saw piles of small wood pieces stacked beside houses probably for the winter.  It has a Glf Course.  Balmoral was on the left. Took a panorama shot of the Grampians.

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